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作者:劉雨生 · 2007-11-26

    中新社悉尼2004年1月21日電(記者劉雨生) 中國駐悉尼總領(lǐng)事館發(fā)言人今天就“法輪功”組織問題發(fā)表談話說,“法輪功”邪教組織近年來在悉尼地區(qū)成立團體,這些團體聲稱自己是華人的組織,面向華人,為華人服務(wù),其實質(zhì)是從事“法輪功”邪教和反華宣傳。





Consulate General of People's Republic of China in Sydney comments on Falun Gong

Today the Consulate General of People's Republic of China in Sydney commented on Falun Gong organization in Australia, saying that the real intention of Falun Gong groups founded in Sydney in recent years were preaching the Falun Gong cult and have anti-Chinese propagation instead of serving overseas Chinese as they alleged.

The spokesperson said that since Chinese government outlawed the Falun Gong cult organization in 1999, Falun Gong had been notorious. In recent years, in order to go on with its cult preaching and fraudulent anti-Chinese propagation, the Falun Gong organization changed its face and founded in Sydney several groups.

According to the spokesperson, Falun Gong was an arrant cult organization just like the Aum Shinri Kyo Cult. It had caused more that 1700 deaths in China and was still poisoning people who didn't know the truth about Falun Gong. Under the camouflage of Qigong and "Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance" preaching, Falun Gong tried to covered its cult nature while did anything possible to have anti-Chinese propagation and conducted anti-Chinese activities in smearing the image of China and Chinese people.

The spokesperson commented that the Falun Gong groups preached Falun Gong cult under the camouflage of spreading Chinese culture and serving overseas Chinese. By doing this, it in fact humiliated Chinese culture and overseas Chinese. The spokesperson finally reminded the Australian public to be vigilant against Falun Gong Cult, be alert not to be deceived and exploited by the cult and not to participate them or support their activities.

(Chinanews, January 21, 2004)   
