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作者:郭正誼 · 2006-06-24 來源:凱風(fēng)網(wǎng)



  在這場所謂的五月十三日“世界法輪大法日”,“明慧網(wǎng)”不遺余力的宣傳,我們且看其中的一段“中午時分紐約市首屆世界法輪大法日慶?;顒诱介_始。各種族學(xué)員本國語言致賀詞,集體功法演示,教功,咨詢,采訪...... 就在第一輪功法演示結(jié)束后,公園的擴(kuò)音喇叭里傳來了一個親切溫暖的消息:我們尊敬的師父問‘大家好’!”

How do Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong organize practitioners against society, people and government?

I. Origin of Falun Gong

Since 1990s, Li Hongzhi has cured people and cheated them for their money under the name of Qigong. After he visited his younger sister Li Ping in Thailand whose husband is Taiwanese during May to September of 1991, he claimed that he learned from Buddhism. He published Falun Gong of China in April, 1993 and then lectured across the country. He was registered from China's Qigong Scientific Association in August of 1993. He went to U.S. in August 1994, and then he went to France for 3 months. When he came back, he propagandized Falun Dafa badly and made lectures everywhere. He published Zhuan Falun in December 1994 (Which was the entire lection for his practitioners).

At the same time, however, more than 100 people in his homeland Changchun disclosed him as a deceiver to the central government in December 12, 1994. Then he was scared. Then he said clearly in the meeting of Falun Dafa members of Beijing, "Although it's a new year, I have to get together. We must hold this meeting, for lots of practitioners have known that I'm going abroad to propagandize Falun Gong." I want to cite what Ye Hao who is the main favorite and backbone of Li Hongzhi wrote in his published materials, i.e. "From 1992 to 1994, there were about 20,000 people who participated in Li Hongzhi's Falun Gong classes." Then, on May 31, 1995, Li visited Houston, U.S. and made lectures. He deceived them for the name called Honorable Citizen of Houston and Friendly Ambassador. After that, he visited Kuala Lumpur and made lectures for a month.

According to disclosure of the mass and after investigating, National News Publication Bureau order on July 24, 1996 that Notice to Immediately Confiscate and Close Down Five Kinds of Booking Including Falun Gong of China. China Qigong Scientific Research Association also logout Falun Gong on December 9, 1996 according the facts that Li Hongzhi made him God, made up political rumors and deceived God as science by propagandizing Falun Gong and superstition. Therefore, either Falun Gong Organization or its publicity is illegal.

However, Li Hongzhi considered the practitioners who believed in him as backbone. They illegally established Seminar of Falun Dafa and general stations and instruction centers throughout the country. They also appointed several instructors. Besides common persons with lower educational background, they mainly aimed at old cadres who participated in revolutionary movement, cadres who were in main department of the government and youth adult intelligentsia so as to not only get support and asylum, but also steal the national secrets and use the youth adult intelligentsia as the secondary and third echelon.

In this regard, Li Hongzhi pointed out that "when I was not here, the decision made by the seminar should be followed by instruction centers all over the country, especially the instructors." At the same time, Li Hongzhi also said that "All the decisions made by the seminar were approved by me. No matter where I was, they connected with me though phones and faxed and then they made the decision." Such was the secret Falun Gong system under Li Hongzhi's control.

II. The madness and disclosure of Falun Gong

After Li Hongzhi's escaping abroad, he propagandized Falun Gong and established Falun Gong cult's organization. At the same time, he also sent continuous lection to organize the practitioners to behave anti-society and anti-human's activities.

In 1997, the activities and harm was disclosed gradually all over the country. Firstly, The Buddhist Association of China published several articles to criticize Falun Gong in February 1997, identifying that Falun Gong was a cult in the Buddhist's name. (i.e. evil under Buddhist's coverage.) Then, while it firmly struck the illegal Falun Gong organization in Zhejiang Province of China, Qian Tang Weekend published an article named "How Dose A Young Intelligentsia Suddenly Die?" to disclose the truth that Falun Gong was killing people. After that, Qilu Evening Newspaper published an article named "What is Falun Gong?" to show some cases in which some people died when they were ill but not to take medicines so that they missed the best time to be cured. At the same time, the media disclosed that Falun Gong was killing people one after another. At the time, ignoring laws and regulations, Falun Gong organized thousands of practitioners to attack headquarters of Qilu Evening Newspaper on 1st to 3rd June 1998. At the time, they attacked other media's offices. Then Li Hongzhi directed his practitioners to attack Beijing TV in person on 1st June 1998. He planned to organize hundreds of thousands practitioners to attack. However, only thousands of them came so that Li Hongzhi was every angry. He dismissed the chief instructor of Beijing, and appointed Yao Jie who commanded practitioners to strike Beijing TV actively. For this, Li Hongzhi as very disappointed. So he wrote an article named Removing the Cause on July 6, 1998, in which he said "I have found out some people who aim at protecting something in human society rather that protecting Dafa in an early time. It's good if you want to be a common person to protect society and I will not deny you. However, you are practitioners. How you deal with Dafa is the problem of cause that is also the problem I want to point out. During you practicing Falun Gong, I would disclose all your minds by using every method so as to remove them. You cannot always ask me to lead you up while you don't follow. After you understand the Fa, you behave. But if you don't understand, you won't behave or go the other way. I cannot consider it as a practicing activity. The moment I called you to break up with human beings, you didn't follow me. Every chance cannot show up twice. It's serious to practice and the gap was wider. It's dangerous to add any human things when practicing Falun Gong. As a matter of fact, it's good to be a nice guy. However, you should make clear that you choose your way."

Such means that he asked his practitioners not to protect society, but to break up with human beings. In other words, he asked his practitioners to destroy the society.

After that, Li Hongzhi held an emergency meeting for instructors in Chang Chun on 26th July 1998. Some asked him on the meeting that how should a firm practitioner be in the cases familiar with Beijing case. Li Hongzhi answered that "How should a firm practitioner be? What's meaning of this? It seems that no one knows what you've asked. You mean that you didn't participate and that you were firm and practiced Falun Gong. Isn't it? You mean to find out the base when you lose the chance to fulfill consummation. You have pointed to me. I have said very clearly. Every case, especially the big case is best chance to test the best practitioner to fulfill consummation. Some could walk out. Others couldn't when they believed they were practicing Falun Gong. Facing the consummation, you wouldn't act. How would you do? Don't you want to fulfill consummation? You said to practice Falun Gong. However, why to practice? Isn't it to fulfill consummation? You are looking for excuses for you and your other heart at all. You wouldn't act unless the real practicing activities come. Do you behave so real to practice Falun Gong and to do nothing?"

At that time, Li Hongzhi exposed his features of anti-society and anti-humanity completely. At the beginning, he asked his practitioners to believe his Zhuan Falun. After reading the book time and time again, they could go to a higher level and fulfill consummation in the end. Such is a firm practitioner. However, he changed in 1998. He told them that doing things that were anti-government and anti-society could go to a higher level and fulfill consummation.

As to the illegal activities of Falun Dafa, National News Publication Bureaus published Notice of Press and Publication on June 16, 1998 to report the cases that Falun Gong attacked various newspaper units. And Ministry of Public Security sent out the Notice to investigate Falun Gong on July 21, 1998. Then, they used the illegal infiltration into governmental offices so that they published two Short Reports in order to call in practitioners to resist. They also organized a group of older Red Army soldiers and revolutionaries (including the backbone named Ye Hao) to write to the Central Committee. They boosted Falun Dafa to deceive Central Committee. They thought that the higher officers would be afraid to stop them do illegal activities.

At the same time, Religion and Culture Press published a book named Qigong of Buddhism and Falun Gong in June 1998 to disclose Falun Gong's evil. Then they reported this to Central Committee by condemning the book. The lettered was signed by backbones of Falun Dafa Seminar, such as Li Chang, Yu Changxin, Wang Zhiwen, Ye Hao and Ji Liewu. However, they disclosed themselves.

As they didn't meet the anticipated needs of attacking Beijing TV, Li Hongzhi made rumors that there were 100 million practitioners in mainland when he made lectures abroad. He wanted to boost and encourage his practitioners. Such was a total lie which can be useless now matter how many times they said. Regardless of the correct number made by the government, we could conclude that there was one practitioner among 8-9 people if there were really 100 million practitioners. However, there was actually less than 0.1-0.3%. Apart from babies, there were about 2 million or so according to statistics.

Deluding by Li Hongzhi's rumor, several practitioners thought there were really 100 million behind them. They also had the Master's protection and the Falun (people practice Falun Gong and it practices people) running around them. So they lost their minds to do whatever illegal activities being told do. On 18th April, 1999, when they attacked Journal of Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, some claimed badly that they had 0.2 million practitioners in Tianjin and 1 million in Beijing. It seemed that the more they said, the more afraid others were. However, all was a lie that could not cheat themselves like bubbles.

Just as what Li Hongzhi always said, we didn't have organization and list. In this regard, how could he calculate that there were 100 million practitioners?

However, under encouragement by Li Hongzhi's rumors and that he was commanding the activities in person in Beijing, they made the 4·25 Event that thousands of hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners besieged Tianjin and then Zhongnanhai in Beijing. Until then, Li Hongzhi and his Falun Gong disclosed the nature of anti-society, anti-people and anti-government.

III. Making Influence Abroad and Savaging Inboard

How were the Falun Gong practitioners organized and commanded? They used Internet.

When Li Hongzhi met media in Sydney on May 2, 1999, he was asked," Mr. Li, I want to ask. There are more than 100 million practitioners all over the world. How many ways for you to connect with them? What are they?" His answered "There are no communicating ways and indirect ways. As you know, because you all know that the meeting is held here. So do I. Why do they all know what happened somewhere? We all know Internet that is convenient all over the world. When we want to inform them where to hold a meeting, we would log on net so that lots of them know. So do I. As a matter of fact, I have no touch with them at times, even the telephone." (It reminds us what Li Hongzhi said in January 1995 "All the decisions made by the seminar were approved by me. No matter where I was, they connected with me though phones and faxed and then they made the decision." Then Li only knew to use telephone and faxes to control his organization. Well, when he escaped abroad, he got foreigners' supports so that he began to use Internet. It's real for him to go to a "higher level".)

After April 25, Li Hongzhi claimed in his affiche on June 2, "No matter how difficult it would be, we give chances for them to know what on earth Falun Dafa is. The readers could get whatever they want on Internet." In another word, Internet controlled all Falun Gong practitioners.

I want to announce a number. Before and after April 25, 1999, there were 39 Falun Gong websites in U.S., 20 or so in other countries, 20 in Mainland China, 1 in Hong Kong and 1 in Taiwan respectively. All these weren't commercial. They provided materials for free. So we all know the funding sources without telling them out.

Then the chief of inboard net is Li Chang. Ye Hao escaped for Canada before 25th April. After 25th April, he established Minghui Net there. There were totally 6 mirror image stations (Then they established Xin Sheng, Jian Zheng and Science stations.) They also established 4 small stations that couldn't easily be noticed. They used net and emails to send messages that condemned government, instigated the mass and made convulsion. For example, in the morning of 4th June, the practitioners from Beijing Falun Gong Station passed round for perusal and read an article written by Li Hongzhi on 2nd June, 1999 named A Few of My Feelings. After investigation, the article was published in the Falun Gong net in Taiwan. And the words were simple-Chinese! Then after 4th June, the stations in mainland posted the article named A Few of My feelings.

On July 22, 1999, China clamped down Falun Gong and Falun Dafa Seminar in public and sent out Wanted Order for Li Hongzhi. The illegal websites inboard was clamped down completely. Then Li Hongzhi escaped for U.S. and didn't dare to appear until now. Then the power was handed to Minghui Net that was controlled by Ye Hao. While they do public activities, its controller was the speaker-man named Zhang Erping who was once the English interpreter for Li Hongzhi.

According to latest statistics, there were 10 stations for Minghui Net's simple-Chinese websites, and 5 for traditional-Chinese websites. There were also lots of websites in German, Russian and French words. On 1st July 2000, they also established World Falun Dafa Radio Station that not only concentrated on attacking China, but also infiltrated into other countries in the world. Such was what Li Hongzhi said that they had nothing to do with politics.

On 20 March, 56th UN Meeting on Human Rights was held in Geneva. In the name of human rights, Li Hongzhi asked Zhang Erping to organize a group of Falun Gong practitioners to practice Falun Gong collectively in Geneva, among whom there were many foreign practitioners. In the circumstances of holding news meeting, activities of signing names against China and of the so-called complain by victims, Zhang Erping did his best to encourage U.S. to propose a case against China. He attempted to use western hostile power to pressure Chinese government.

What helped him was that under the command of Minghui Net, more than 100 Falun Gong royalists suddenly gathered in Tian'anmen Square and made troubles in order to appeal for the world when UN Human Right Committee was about to take a vote on a U.S. proposal against China. Such was to echo with U.S. power that was against China at a distance.

Then under the publication, command and careful plan, they instigated practitioners to gather up and make troubles in an attempt to make chaos on April 25, May 1, and 13 May 2005. (These days were the so-called 1 anniversary for illegal attacking Central South Sea, Birthday carefully made up by Li Hongzhi, and Day of World Falun Dafa respectively.)

In such so-called Day of World Falun Dafa on May 13, Minghui Net tried its best to propagandize. We noticed one part of its scene "The first anniversary of World Falun Dafa is begging at noon in New York City. Practitioners from all over the world are making congratulation in their own words. They collectively show Falun Gong, teach Gong, make consultation and get interviewed and so on. Just at the end of the first phase of Falun Gong show, there was a kind voice from the speaker from the park that: our Honorable Master says hello to every body!"

As a matter of fact, afraid of seeing others and the light, Li Hongzhi was in U.S. Under such circumstance, some practitioners had suspicion. Where was Li Hongzhi? Some cited Zhuan Falun that "I was to be 50 years old." It said that after 50 years old, Li Hongzhi would go to heaven. Then there was panic in Minghui Net so that they in Minghui Net and other website claimed, "it depends on the attitude from Minghui when encountered big thing." They started an activity named that Help the Master Walk in the Human World. They asked the practitioners to propagandized Falun Gong in medium-small cities. Although such was useless in Mainland China, they indeed infiltrated into foreign medium-small cities.

Then in Minghui Net, Li Hongzhi continued to claim so as to instigate those Falun Gong royalists to risk danger when in desperation. For example, in the article named Toward Consummation by Minghui Net on June 16, Li Hongzhi instigated his practitioners that "Those Dafa practitioners who are facing pressure to walk out are great. The practitioners were waiting for consummation, but I couldn't wait." Influencing by his idea and rumors, Falun Gong organization did more and more badly illegal activities. There were many cases that over hundreds of practitioners illegally got together in Beijing and other places.

Because the activities named Help the Master Walk in the Human World by Minghui Net was illegal in Mainland China, then they instigated practitioners to post and hand out papers. They also offered descript of No.1, No.2 and No. 3 to disturb the society.

On September 27, 2000, Minghui Net again published an article named "Serious Edification-Master's Lasted Talk". In the Talk, Li Hongzhi mentioned "I'm happy for practitioners and future wiser who have walked out to verify Dafa. No matter whether they have been arrested or lost their lives for Falun Gong, they have fulfilled consummation." "Some said that walking out meant participating politics or struggling with people and so on. They used such excuses to deceive themselves and influenced those who wanted to go out. Others said that why Master came out to finish this soon. Here I used human words to criticize them that why they were shameless to say such." "Such was not the case in 1999 and before 25th April when old practitioners wondered how to learn Falun Gong and get it. It's the periods of learning and getting Falun Gong. Now it's the period of how to verify the functions of Falun Gong when the evil did harm to Dafa."

In order to save his potential members, Li Hongzhi said that "The practitioners in a high class inside the country could use their conditions to verify Dafa in their circumstances. They didn't expose themselves to evil so that they were marvelously verifying Dafa."

Just then, Minghui Net published several articles such as Verifying Dafa and Practicing Dafa to Fulfill Consummation, in which he said "it's pivotal to verify Dafa." When it's October 1st, "all Dafa practitioners should get rid of all kinds of difficulties to finish their last process of practicing Dafa" in Tian'anmen Square. He even threatened that there will be 0.1 million practitioners who gathered in Tian'anmen Square to demonstrate!

On October 1, there were indeed 0.2 million people who went to Tian'anmen Square. However, they didn't demonstrate. They watched National Flag in the morning instead. After that, there was thousands of Falun Gong royalists who were instigated by Li Hongzhi. They illegally gathered in Tian'anmen Square. They mixed with the visitors in Tian'anmen Square, illegally sending papers, posing bars and calling slogans in an attempt to gather to make troubles and disturb the orders. They were seriously blamed by the mass or taken away legally or fulfilled their consummation that was just what Li Hongzhi said. Such was the biggest number that was deceived by them.

The facts show that Li Hongzhi carefully planned the activity. It was a political activity that was with malice, plan and purpose organized by Minghui Net. In National Day, the Falun Gong practitioners acted together and worn same clothes to make troubles in Tian'anmen Square. They appeared in the same time. According to their activities in National Day in Tian'anmen Square, Falun Gong organization is rigorous. Such was what Li Hongzhi said "The practitioners in a high class inside the country could use their conditions to verify Dafa in their circumstances. They didn't expose themselves to evil so that they were marvelously verifying Dafa."

After that Minghui Wang claimed again in other nets that it got along well with Li Hongzhi. They were preparing to help Falun Dafa Weekend that was held in L.A. of U.S. There were about 500 Falun Gong practitioners on 21st October in Hyatt Hotel of L.A. At 3:00 p.m., under the protection of several bodyguards, Li Hongzhi appeared suddenly and made a lecture for about 30 minutes. On the one hand he encouraged those who decided to walk out. On the other hand he talked about the situation Falun Gong was facing. At last, on avail of such opportunity, Li Hongzhi thanked to U.S. and Canadian government for their supporting Falun Gong and its practitioners.

All of these proved that Li Hongzhi and his men completely lost their national prestige and human dignity, and that they actively threw themselves to foreign powers that were against China and that they heart and soul became the tools using by hostile powers to intervene our internal affairs.
